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Irrésistible Jim Harrison que j'ai découvert grâce à Philippe Djian, passeur convaincant de tout un pan de la littérature américaine, ce qui va faire deux lectures urgentes en projet, le dernier Djian et le dernier Harrison que vous rendez incontournable (pas que par sa stature), M.Ferney.

Loïs de Murphy

La récente (re)traduction des aventures d'Huckleberry Finn aux éditions Tristram m'a beaucoup plus.
Un ours du Montana dont j'adore également la plume,c'est Rick Bass. Lisez au moins Platte River...


Un nouveau roman d'Harrison une semaine qui commence bien, après le superbe "Retour en terre" une road movie, je suis prête pour le voyage


Je constate qu'Harrison a changé d'éditeur français, passant de Christian Bourgois à Flammarion, sans doute attiré là par un à-valoir conséquent. Mais a-t-il gardé le même traducteur, l'excellent Brice Matthieussent? Je me souviens avoir énormément apprécié sa traduction de "De Marquette à Veracruz", car j'avais trouvé que même en langue française le lecteur pouvait retrouver toute la grâce d'un style enlevé. J'espère donc que c'est tgoujours Matthieussent qui s'est attelé à la traduction.

Anne B

Jim Harrison, homme libre et avide de découvertes.
Son oeuvre est souvent jubilatoire, sa franchise réchauffe l'âme, "Légendes d'automne" est fabuleux, Dalva est un chef-d'oeuvre.

"La vie est courte mais très large".
(La route du retour).

Frederic ferney


Merci de me permettre de réparer un oubli: c'est bien en effet toujours Brice Matthieussent qui reste le traducteur (excellent) de Jim Harrison.

Lectrice curieuse

Merci de cet article sur Jim Harrisson que je me promets de découvrir depuis pas mal de tps déjà.
On parle beaucoup de "Légendes d'automne", le roman qui l'a révélé, mais d'après vous quel sont ces autres grands romans par lesquels je pourrai démarrer ma lecture afin d'en apprécier toute la qualité ?
Merci de vos conseils précieux,


Oui vivement la sortie de son dernier opus. Sera t-il aussi bon que "Légende d'automne". On verra. A suivre


Dommage qu'il ne soit plus chez Christian Bourgois ; cet éditeur-là et ses belles couvertures lui allaient bien ; espérons qu'il soit réédité ensuite en 10-18, c'est important : j'aimerais compléter la collection !
Ses livres sont épiques et pourtant si simples. Je dirais que ça a de la gueule ; mais une gueule toujours superbe.
Cher Monsieur Ferney, dont j'aimais les douces rencontres d'auteurs sur une péniche, vous nous mettez l'eau à la bouche (eau de rivière bien sûr, avec Harrison) d'ici le 11 mars..


Excellente chronique comme toujours ... je me souviens d'un numéro au cours duquel Frédéric recevait Big Jim. N'y a-t-il pas moyen de retrouver cette émission ?
Poursuivez votre magnifique travail Frédéric !!! MERCI !


Un été à passer à lire des auteurs américains, "Dalva" et "De Marquette à Veracruz" aux prémices des chaleurs estivales.Puis Nick Toshes avec son excellente Bio sur "Dino"(Dean Martin), James Ellroy et sa "part d'ombre", un cri d'Amour...Pour finalement entamer ce road movie qu'est "une Odyssée Américaine". J'étais en terre Espagnole durant mes congés d'été. J'ai finalement littéralement trainé mes bottes du Comté d'El Monte, north L.A(Chumesh)pour continuer ma route avec cette narration incomparable des States avec Big Jim.
J'avais vu cette émission, Good Job Monsieur Ferney, merci et longue route...


Bel article qui rend justice à la liberté de Harrisson, proche de Whitman et de Miller. Vous m'avez donné envie de lire le dernier. Je file sur mon canapé. Bonne journée.


President Harrison, I just clicked on the link to your msagsee. As a DCE who serves as Director of Child Ministry at Bethany in Overland Park, Kansas, your msagsee was a wonderful word of encouragement for me. Thank you for your prayers. Of course, God is hearing and answering so I just wanted to share a little of our wonderful Sunday yesterday when we presented the new Faith Alive Bibles to the Third Graders in our congregation and invited the parents and kids to a Bible Blast Off event during their Sunday School hour. Our Third Grade Sunday School teacher spoke about the purposes of God's Word (yup, it's about Jesus from cover to cover) and also included practical tips like how to look up Bible passages. I had a chance to share specific things parents can do to bring their children to know Jesus. AND the kids were challenged to complete a Bible Scavenger Hunt that explores their new Bible from cover to cover! The parents also wrote words of blessing in the cover and placed labels that had words of blessing from grandparents, sponsors, and significant adults. What was so wonderful was to see God's Spirit at work in parents and kids as they cradled the Bible, sat with heads together over God's Holy Word, and were so full of joy to have the blessing of this Bible. One of my favorite parts is that my faithful Sunday School teacher has her son in class this year and got to share this moment with her husband and their own child as she has blessed so many kids and families over the year. She called me this morning to wanting to share her son's engagement with his Bible and what he was learning about Jesus in it it just made my heart so glad! Again, thank you for your encouraging words! They mean a lot!


Steve, your video questions made me stop, think, and aiatcultre where I'm at on the Burning Desire Resources Willingness to Change leap. Since I benefitted from your video and the only thing you asked for were comments, then I can oblige, even it this is a bit exposing.I went back to school at 38 to learn to paint, something I'd always wanted to do. (And prove that I could indeed graduate after falling in love and being academically suspended 20 years earlier.) I got a degree in Illustration and did some magazine work, as well as sold some paintings. Near the end of my university studies I won a student art contest. As a result, my painting was purchased and images were used on promotional material. But the really exciting and satisfying part was being able to speak to the international delegation of the sponsors of the contest. I spoke on the metaphor of my painting, Guardians of the Family , and traditional families. It was an inspiring moment for me. (Also, the delegates received a signed print of my work from the sponsors.) I didn't realize then that the painting's content and remark's that followed were what was really important to me. After spending some time pursuing other roads (I never wanted any of them bad enough) I came back to what I know and feel strongest about. Family. I just thought it wasn't really a valid avenue for me before. But, friends are always asking me for advice and I know most people's strongest desires are for their families. I've seen the struggle in their eyes and that they want, need, advice and help. Many people want to give their best efforts to their families, they just don't know what to do, nor have any creative ideas to do it. I know a thing or forty about being a united, happy family and that it's not an illusion or guesswork. I married the man that helped me get suspended from school. We've been married 29 years and have 8 children. The oldest is 26 and the youngest 11. Five years ago, my husband took an overseas oil rig job (that he swore he'd never do again) so that I could use my skills for my own career pursuits, while being a stay at home mom for our kids. I was supposed to have made good by now and bring him home. He isn't unhappy about my efforts, but I am. Even though I don't know the path, I am determined and feel compelled to use my art, writing, and speaking to help families live happily. It's what I do best. Thanks again Steve. If we work together in the future and I'm successful, then I hope to return the favor. Shannon


I would like to take this opportunity to pass on the hflateert thanks from Harry's mum Natalie, Harry's Nanny Judy (the admin office person at Enoggera outlet) Harry himself, and that of all of our extended family with this magnificant effort of Frontline Defence Services, and all the people who purchased tickets in Harry's Raffle .I am Harry's Poppa Mark (Captain Mark Williamson Adjutant 7 CSSB) and this support has been nothing short of amazing. I have been aound Army for over 28 years, and the banding together that people do when there is someone in need is still so strong. I so often hear soldiers (and others) slag off at Frontline being too expensive, a money spinner for Brigader's and other Generals for their retirements; but, this gesture of support in favor of a very sick little boy shows that this is not the case.Thankyou very much Frontline and their generous customers.From Harry's extended family. XX


salut vous deux!j ai eu Fab au tel concernant votre C.B elle a biosen de plus de detail et ne peut pas communiquer car elle a simplement son iphone As tu OUVERT UN COMPTE chez correspondant BNP :banque WESTPAC ????peux t on t envoyer des textos????as tu un mail ?tu peux me repondre je sers d intermediaire en attendant que Fab rentre.Sinon j ai recuperer ma voiture (enfin)hier soir et on a feter e7a avec LIX et M.Ange j attends de tes news je pars au boulot BISES

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