« Simone Weil, la raison ou la grâce? | Accueil | De l' autobiographie »



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"Cela dit, après Simone Weil, le "Zarathoustra" paraît tout de même assez kitsch."

disons que ça n'a pas la grâce et la légèreté d'hölderlin.
néanmoins, le lecteur averti qui voit ce que friedrich a trouvé à la fin du zarathoustra s'épargne la lecture du reste....en-dehors d'un pur divertissement, s'entend ...;-)

allez, à demain, it's dodo time now

Anne B

Aller!, j'avoue mon goût pour Nietzsche !
Le lire c'est comme la nécessité de la marche et de la dépense physique pour une bonne hygiène physique et mentale.Le lire devant l'océan, les pages ouvertes au souffle du vent, saisir les phrases volantes, en se disant tiens tiens c'est quoi la vie originaire, la vie authentique, la vie absolue...et si on écoutait un peu de Chopin !


Comme vous y allez ...
Nietzsche, en aparté, me fut à une époque, d'un grand secours. Heureusement. A travers lui, je m'en suis imposé. J'ai bien été obligée.
Le soleil revient. Vous avez vu ?
Ah je vous embrasse Friedrich !!


Petit souci. Bon tout le monde s'en fout mais tant pis, je raconte ma vie. Je suis en congé de longue durée parce que mon boulot m'a rendue zinzin (prof), jusqu'à présent je me couchais vers minuit; mais pour me reconvertir et prouver que je peux retravailler dans un autre domaine, j'ai depuis peu une "activité thérapeutique" le matin, comme assistante documentaliste (c'est très intéressant d'ailleurs). Donc je devrais me coucher plus tôt. Mais je ne peux pas m'empêcher d'attendre minuit quinze pour me coucher, heure de parution du blog de FF (je sais ça se soigne, d'ailleurs j'ai deux psy). Ma question : serait-il possible de publier l'article plus tôt? Si ce n'est pas possible, je comprendrai.
Je m'étonne que de la terminale à mes deux khâgnes, je n'ai jamais entendu parler de Nietzsche, résultat , je le connais mal...
Il reste de la place à l'atelier d'écriture gratuit du 17EME :



Les hymnes déambulatoires
Des errances magnifiques
Ont toujours leur fan-club
Collections disparates
D'amateurs en tout genre
Que seule la zizanie
Unit dans un concerto
Post-déluge non essoré
Qui frôle un jour le néant
Pour se réfugier dans l'autre
Effrayé par l'immensité
Dont peut disposer le talent

Frederic ferney

Cher Christophe Bohren,

Oui, c'est bizarre, il n'y a pas de dégoût ou de mépris du corps chez Simone Weil. Pas de fascination, même inversée. Pas d'extase pas d'esclandre, comme chez Bataille. Ce n'est ni sacré ni impur. Ce n'est pas ce à quoi elle s'oppose ni ce qu'elle nie. C'est rien.
Est-ce pourquoi elle n'a pas peur?
Il n'y a pas trace d'un combat, d'une tension, comme chez les auteurs "mystiques". L'esprit, la force d'âme, occupe tout le terrain. No match!
La grâce, "cette substance qui ne reçoit pas d'accident", dit le vieux Corneille. Le corps n'est même pas un "accident". Elle ne refuse rien, elle se détache, elle consent.


ça n'a rien de bizarre, ff, c'est plutôt lucide comme approche, lucide et pas encombré par la confusion et la grossièreté qui accordent crédit à n'importe quel mirage.
voyez-vous, ici dans la patrie de descartes (comme ailleurs, mais ici particulièrement), on se repose sur "je suis cette chose qui pense", mais bien peu se donnent la peine d'investiguer jusqu'au bout l'une ou l'autre de ces deux assertions qui ne sont en rien démontrées: "je suis ce corps" (ou "ce corps est mien", même chose) et "je pense".
allez jusqu'au bout de l'une des deux et vous pourrez le constater.



Les enfants jouent
Au vertige des plaines
Sur des dauphins d'aluminium
Des chevaux aux étriers d'argent
Ou des dragons montés sur rollers
Comme il plait au talent
Des surfers innocents

Les enfants jouent
A être les fils
D'un vertige assassin
Qui brille loin des tréteaux
Où la couleur est reine
Des artifices de la poudre
A récurer les méninges

On tire à balles réelles
Des météores dans les mains
Le feu comme un rimmel
Qui charme les ruines
Et déconstruit les marées
Pour repeindre les cieux
En vélin et dentelles


, in an earlier age, that the mind of a man is a far conurty which can neither be approached nor explored. But, today, under present conditions of scientific achievement, it will be possible for a nation as rich in human and material resources as ours to make the remote reaches of the mind accessible. The mentally ill and the mentally retarded need no longer be alien to our affections or beyond the help of our communities. Unfortunately, due to the Vietnam War and later the great depression, President Kennedy's dream has yet to be realized. While the remote reaches seem at fingers length with recent advances in neuroimaging techniques and computational models to make sense of them, the mentally ill in the United States have remained outcast from mainstream society.French philosopher, Michelle Foucault, attempted to trace insanity back to a “zero point of madness.” He set out to understand what it is to be mentally ill. Previously, and to some extent today, insanity is described not as a distinct phenomenon, but only in relation to reason. Foucault rejected the idea that madness was the absence of reason, but was something else, something distinct. Presently in the United States three conceptions of mental illness exist. For psychiatrist, who are trained medical doctors, mental illness is a structural or functional problem with the brain. The human mind is nothing more that a feature of neurons. When we correct what ails the brain, we correct what ails the mind. The only choice we have is to take the medication or not, for nothing you could will to happen can correct the problem. For psychotherapists the picture is not as clear. Feelings are messy. The thoughts that give rise to them even messier. But with time and considerable effort, we can learn to control our thoughts and in turn our emotions. Recently, a new perspective has emerged. One that removes the rigid boundaries of the biomedical and psychosocial models. The recovery model sees mental illness as a challenge which can be weathered, much like a ship at sea weathers a storm. Although it is raining, we can continue to live our lives to the fullest potential. This shift gives what Foucault would call “power knowledge” back to the individual. John Nash was schizophrenic, and despite many years of battling delusions and hallucinations, he went on to win the Nobel Prize. Only as we begin to see the mentally ill as people who can take charge of their illness and their lives will President Kennedy's dream of reuniting them with their families and welcoming them back into the community be realized.


Discrimination and racism has aaywls existed in this country. Slavery was a huge problem especially in the south. After the civil war, discrimination and racism continued and was encouraged by groups like the KKK. Most leaders in the south were against the civil rights movement. African Americans were tortured and killed. Other minorities, especially illegal immigrants also suffer from discrimination and abuse. This discrimination and racism is still seen in our communities, the work place and our government. Many believe that the election of President Obama, the first African American President has proved that discrimination ceases to exist in our country today. The election of President Obama proves that our country has improved when it comes to racism but, we are far from getting rid of discrimination and racism in America. Minorities are still being under-represented today, especially in rural areas. This under-representation has been caused by negative stereotypes about people of color that voters use as cues when voting in an election with a candidate of color. Negative stereotypes and the discourse of minorities began and are being led by those in power. Changing the current discourse to a more positive one about minorities is a hard one. Minorities, although they are slowly gaining more power than in the past, are not powerful enough to change the discourse or stop the negative stereotypes from having the effect on voters which it currently has. The people in power are not willing to change the status quo and minorities are suffering because of it. In order to stop this we need to change the discourse and the negative stereotypes about minorities. We also need inform ourselves fully about candidates instead of using cues when voting.


Personality factors play a big role in unisnetarddng people’s response to trauma. As specified by, Peres, “The lifetime prevalence rates for the occurrence of at least one traumatic event were estimated to be 51.2% for women and 60.7% for men.” This is a very high statistic that people will encounter a traumatic event sometime in his or her life, because more than half of all females, and six out of ten males will experience a traumatic event at least once in their lives. A traumatic event can range to almost anything; a few examples of such events are the loss of a spouse, a child, job, or a bad car accident. The exposure to a wide variety of life-threatening and violent events occurs so regularity across a broad spectrum of the population. If the exposure of life-threatening and violent events is so prevalent in today’s society how does one go forward day to day with only minor disruptions in their ability to function everyday? Essentially, how does personality factors effect what makes some individuals exposed to the same kind of stressor events develop mental health problems while others do not? Using Nietzsche’s “will to power” and “will to truth” concepts, this paper will discover how personality factors determine how people ultimately respond to traumatic events and whether it will later cause mental health disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in their lives. Really unisnetarddng how personality factors shape people’s response to traumatic and stressor events is crucial because they are going to happen to just about everyone.

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Salut à vous. Génial post, merci.


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